How are give-away promotions run?
What if I want to change or cancel my account?
How do I build my database?
What is the disclosure field when creating a keyword?
Why is my mobile keyword not working?
Why are two messages sent out when my customer texts the keyword, and can I remove the REPLY STOP to cancel?
How do I import contact phone numbers into my distribution lists?
How does shorten URL work? Is it required?
Where and how can I change my keyword?
How do I create a Facebook Sign-Up Page?
How do I begin sending voice broadcasts to my distribution list?
How do I view the results of my mobile voting campaign?
How do contacts redeem coupons?
How do I import appointment reminders?
Does PMM provide us with a list of phone numbers that we can add to our list?
When I sign up for a PMM account, am I locked into a contract for a designated period?